
All things related to Footloose, a team in the DC Kickball's DC Veterans Division


Posted by Ren McCormack on July 20, 2006

Tonight has the potential to be ridiculous.  What do you get when you have a 16-foot long flip cup table; 2 fun party teams; many, many beers; and a kamikaze start to each flip cup game?  Ridiculousity.  That’s what.  And that’s just down at the fields. 

Action Item 1:  Please let me know whether you will be at tonight’s 7:15 game versus Grabassky & the K-funk All Stars. 

Scouting Report:

I’ve only reffed one of their games (vs. Spin the Bottle…perhaps you saw my stellar performance on the CBS Early Show…(as I said that, I puffed on my fingers and wiped them on my chest with a pompous smirk)).  They have roughly the same record as we do; K-funk is 1-4-2 and we are 0-4-3.  This should be a really good game, and one that I want to win real bad for bragging rights.  I don’t expect any male bunters, but there may be a few female bunters.  Oh, and between innings we are playing flip cup and the losing team has to add the number of cups to their side that they are down in score (i.e., if we are winning 5-3, K-funk adds 2 cups).  Hence, Flipmania!    Like I said, Ridiculousity will ensue. 

Captain’s Tip of the Day:

  1. You know where to kick the ball.
  2. We can exploit their right field (particularly if Grabs is out there… ;).  If you have the ability to crank it to the right-side outfield, go for it.  But remember that pop ups are easy outs. 
  3. Play does not end until the pitcher has the ball on the mound. So… (A) Get the ball back to the pitcher ASAP, and (B) exploit this when baserunning.  If they are putzing around holding the ball, don’t be afraid to “steal” the base.  Yes, technically stealing is not legal, but this also technically is not stealing. 
  4. When there is a pop fly and you are on base, take a few steps and be prepared to either run or return to the base.  The exception here is if the pop fly is close to the base you are on.  The base coaches must be vocal and help our less experienced base runners out.
  5. If you are catching and there is a throw to home that is not a force out, you must tag the runner with the ball to get them out.  This is true no matter what base you are playing, I just used home plate as the example.  What’s a force out?  A force out is when a runner must run.  In force out cases, simply touching the base constitutes an out.  In non-force out circumstances, you must tag or throw the ball at the runner. 


Because no one seems to want to step up and bring beer, cups, and ice, I’ll do it again this week.  But you beotches have to cover my drinks at the bar and libations for the last 2 games.  With 26 people on the roster, this should not be a problem. 

Ghost Man On Third:

Here is the Ghost Man On Third, Issue 11.  It’s all the news that’s fit to kick. 

With a Little Help From My Friends:

Because of Flipmania! I’m doing something I hate doing…driving on a kickball night.  I’m going to try to get to the fields at 6:30 to snag one of the primo parking spots on Constitution.  Having a set or two of helping hands to carry stuff up to the upper “tree” field would be very much appreciated.  Also, we need to supply a ref (I got to be a hardass (different than my tight ass) last night and give 2 teams forfeits for not supplying a ref) for the 6:30 game.  Like I said, I’ll be there and can do it, but I’ll also be getting the table set up (and wouldn’t mind playing a game or two of pong before our game…). 

Theme O’ the Week:

It’s been a little while since we’ve done a theme/nametags.  This week’s theme will be 80s TV characters.  Action Item 2: come up with your character.  Also,please remember to wear your ringer socks tonight–I was copied on K-funk’s pre-game e-mail, and Grabs mentioned our 80s garb, so I don’t want to disappoint.  I’ll have the purple bag of goodies too…just help yourself to its contents (wristbands, hairbands, etc.).   

Get ready for the Ridiculousity….

I turn my back to the wind
To catch my breath
Before I start off again.
Driven on without a moment to spend
To pass an evening with a drink and a friend

–Time Stand Still, Rush (one of my all-time favorite bands)

12 Responses to “Flipmania!”

  1. Ann said

    Now that was a great blog…I’m pumped!! See you tonight! A2–have to think about it.

  2. Walter Gibson said

    I’ll be there… probably not early, though. I have also finished the sweet Footloose ’06 mix disk (did somebody request the Dallas theme?) and it will be present at the game.

    Can I be Buddy Lembeck?

  3. Ryan said

    I’ll be there

  4. Becky said

    I’ll be there, probably a little early, so give me a call as your are parking and I will come help you carry some things to the field.

  5. Paul M said

    AI1: In
    AI2: Benny Hill

  6. Zeb said

    Zeb in
    Erin out

    I can be there by 6:30… I’ll give you a call on your cell and meet you at your car….

  7. Jamie G said

    1- in, might be able to make it down there early
    2- still thinking

  8. Jessica said

    i’ll be there

  9. Matt said

    1. Increasingly doubtful thanks to work…Agghhhh!!!!

    2. I’ll be Face if Ben is BA, Ryan is Murdock, and Disco Stu is Hannibal.

  10. Bridget W said

    I am swamped at work, but will try and make it! drink one for me!

  11. Paul B said

    This sucks Im out for tonight. Doh! Have a blast guys!

  12. Kathryn said

    AI 1: I am in!
    AI 2: I have no idea .

    See you all in a few

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